Thursday, August 03, 2017

Labial Melanocytic Macule

The patient is a 62 yo woman who presents with an 18 month history of a pigmented macule on the lower lip.  She has noted no change over time.  No history of skin cancer.

O/E:  There is a 6 mm in diameter dark tan macule on the lower lip.  Dermatocopic exam shows pigmented dots.

Diagnosis:  This appears to be a Labial Melanocytic Macule.

Discussion:  There are only very few references that describe the dermatoscopic appearance of these lesions.  Those I found were solitary case reports.  The brown dots may indicate the lesion is in the active growth phase.  I offered to biopsy the lesion, but  told the patient it was likely a LMM and is shepreferred, we could follow her up in 3 months.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David , Would confocal microscopy help in this situation to examine the lesion and distribution of the pigmentation further This could be done as a baseline and again at three months. Regards Chris Tyson . .


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