HPI: This child has had a dermatitis which began in the napkin area at ~ 1 month of age. He has been treated with topical Nystatin, clotrimazole cream, Aquaphor and Maalox. No response. New lesions have appeared around umbilicus and neck. His paternal grandfather may have psoriasis.
O/E: There is a sharply demarcated erythematous dermatitis in the pubic, perineal and perirectal area. The umbilicus is involved and there are a few patches in the neck folds. The child is otherwise healthy in appearance.
Clinical Photos:

Diagnosis: I am suspicious of psoriasis or a psoriasiform diaper dermatitis here. This is so well-demarcated and the umbilical lesion may be a clue. I have started him on triamcinalone 0.1% ointment after bath and will reevaluate in a week.
Questions: What alternative diagnoses would you suggest? What may I be missing? Would biopsy be helpful?
Photo after 7 days of TAC 0.1% ointment: